The movie Pale Blue Eye is an American mystery thriller film written and directed by Scott Cooper. It was adapted from the 2003 novel of the same name by Louis Bayard. This film is about the massive murder of cadets from the West Point Military Academy. The story revolves around a tormented detective and a fictional Edgar Allan Poe who teamed up to solve grisly killings in this stuffy period melodrama. It has been a widespread problem for the community, especially for the cadets who have been the subject of various incidents of killings. This huge problem caused them to call various persons and a detective named Augustus Landor, who was tasked to investigate the numerous killings and murders. The problem started when Augustus receives help in this investigation from a young Edgar Allan Poe, a cadet at the academy.
In our current situation, the criminal case, murder, is a very common issue around the world. As the doctor named Daniel Marquis did, he tried everything to cure the illness, but the devil worship of Lea seemed to be working. Furthermore, a cadet at the US Military Academy in West Point has been murdered and hanged and his heart cut out of his body which becomes the cause of everyone’s suffering. Just like in the movie we watched, our nation is experiencing a lot of violence, death by suicide, and profanity without knowing the real reason behind it.
The movie deals with the investigation of some common crimes in the cadet academy. At this point, the incident became worst and they badly need to hire a detective to investigate the crime. he uses the help of one of the cadets because they had asked him to be secretive so that no one would find out that they were investigating those murders secretly. In the law enforcement field, some agencies are in charge of investigating a person. For a crime to be fixed, it should have good and open communication. It also needs the participation of persons involved in that certain situation or incident, this tragedy becomes savagery when it’s discovered that the young man’s heart has been skillfully removed. Fearing irreparable damage to the fledgling military academy, its leaders turn to a local detective, Augustus Landor (Christian Bale), to solve the murder.
Stymied by the cadets’ code of silence, Landor enlists the help of one of their own to pursue the case, an eccentric cadet with a disdain for the rigors of the military and a penchant for poetry — a young man named Edgar Allan Poe (Harry Melling). This shows how grave the incident was and that it needs instant justice for the victim. In today’s society, we all want instant justice for us to appreciate the rights we have. As a cadet, it is our stepping stone to exercise the proper and fast actions towards any incident that we will be experiencing in life, especially inside the academy.
In conclusion, the movie revolves around the incident of murder inside the academy. So, everyone’s participation is necessary for the fast investigation of a certain crime. We should not also be too open to everyone that we allow everything to happen without even thinking deeply and measuring the situation. The movie is something related to a demonic situation wherein the person allows the demon to enter the person’s body and soul. So as Christians, we should be careful of our actions. We should not take everything for granted because if we allow this to happen, many negative circumstances will possibly happen. This movie The Pale Blue Eye is one of the greatest movies I’ve seen but it is still far from a perfect movie. This fits people who love to watch crime procedurals type of movies which is fit for aspiring law enforcers.
The Pale Blue Eye. (2022, December 23).
Rotten Tomatoes.